The Camu camu is the botanical species dubia Myrciaria of the family Myrtaceae. It is a shrub about 4 feet high that grows in marshy and flooded areas on the banks of the rivers of the Peruvian and Brazilian Amazon, mainly, but also extends to other countries like Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. The camu camu fruit is a berry-flavored edible acid ball about 2 inches in diameter and reddish to purple-black which has high medicinal and nutritional value, especially for its high content of vitamin C.

Composition Chem ica. emphasizes the high concentration of vitamin C, in amounts between 30 and 60 times higher than the orange. In addition, the camu camu is rich in anthocyanins and phenolic compounds as routine and catechin, minerals like potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, other vitamins such as B1, B2 or B3 carotenoids, essential fatty acids and amino acids between the predominant serine, valine and leucine.
pharmacological properties. The camu camu has an important antioxidant and regenerative activity associated with its high content of vitamin C, whose effect is enhanced by phenolic compounds and anthocyanidins. It also has other properties derived from the antioxidant, such as anti-inflammatory and healing, due to increased synthesis of collagen. Studies also show an increase in male fertility, and antimalarial properties. Finally, the camu camu has properties due to their anti-anemic iron content and that vitamin C improving absorption.
Therapeutic. For the properties described above, the use of camu camu is indicated especielmente in situations that required to stimulate the immune system to prevent the onset of colds or flu and other diseases and to accelerate healing. It is also useful in states of weakness and decay, in cases of anemia and to accelerate healing of wounds and burns. Because of its enormous nutritional importance, its frequent use is recommended.
Unwanted effects and contraindications. There are no known side effects or contraindications camu camu is well tolerated.
administration and dosage forms. There pharmaceutical preparations in the form of hard capsules is recommended to consume between 1 and 4 daily, also found in oral drops. In the food industry can be found in the form of juices, jams, yogurt or ice cream.