Saturday, February 5, 2011

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"El Viejo", separatists and the CIA

The mercenary driver Eduardo Rozsa Flores, Ignacio Villa Vargas (El Viejo), just dropped the microphone José Luis Patuy reporter who did interview after dramatic chase and extract a truth that people in question wish to rebut. Actually organized a conspiracy to lead to separatism and the creation of the Republic of Santa Cruz.

He confirmed "the Elder" because he knows many things, including details of the preparations. So, feel persecuted and fear for his life, with justifiable reason, it apparently does not know exactly what will come next to that attempt on his life.

The events were triggered shortly after announcing the start of the second part of the process called "Terrorism II " which presumably would clarify the identity of the true funders of the process division of the country.

The June 4, 2009, news agency ABI, reported that the Tower Group, raised $ 40 million for the autonomy process, including six in a mercenary group slipped under the command of Croatian-Bolivian Rozsa Flores, who actively organized the divisive process.
Behind was the U.S. ambassador Philip Goldberg himself, who like Rozsa Flores, had landed successfully promoted as a diplomat after the breakup of Yugoslavia and the division of Kosovo. That experience was meant to be played in Bolivia.

The Tower Group and Human Rights Foundation (HRF) jointly coordinated actions of organization and financing. Tower Group were linked autonomy and the prefecture was slipping money to street demonstrations there. The human rights body was the most dangerous of the two.

HRF led by Hugo Acha Melgar, was accused of financing terrorist activities in the direction of separatism. The Foundation is an NGO, cover the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). For one thing, Philip Goldberg was the main organizer of the separatist process.

Acha Melgar, was in constant contact with New York, from where they directed the activities of this foundation by the Cuban-American terrorist Armando Valladares. Between October and November 2008, Rozsa Flores began to have differences with the Santa Cruz oligarchs that delayed the delivery of money to buy weapons of mass destruction, including missiles and tanks.

Rozsa Flores, sought direct contact with the CIA to support separatism, through his contacts with the agent of that body, Hungarian-Croatian Belovai Istvan, who also advised him in the plan of division. On November 6, 2008, Denver Belovai died in mysterious circumstances.
The writer Jean-Guy Allard wrote in the web site "rebellion" Rozsa Flores was in close contact One America, an organization of fascist tendencies, led by Alejandro Peña Flood. This character is closely linked to the coup in Honduras and the Cuban mafia in Miami

After being dismantled the group Rozsa Flores, chief executive of Human Rights Foundation, Bolivia, Hugo Acha Melgar escaped to the United States and four of its seven founders pretended to resign because of "lack of transparency and communication of its president." The ascetics were Alejandra Barbery, Fernando Cuellar, Emilio Martinez and Centa Rek. But then reconstituted and still there.

The dramatic comeback of "El Viejo", can provide important data on the separatist process. His arrest, can illuminate much about the sponsors and especially the involvement of shadowy U.S. agency, whose maneuvers in Bolivia are becoming increasingly evident. SCZ /////// 05/02/11______ Fortunato Esquivel

Villa Vargas in his last television interview confirmed that there was a separatist group in Santa Cruz pointed Presidential Spokesman

presidential spokesman Ivan Canelas said in an interview with the Red Patria Nueva, pointed out that the last television appearance Ignacio Villa Vagas nicknamed "Old" confirms that there was a separatist group claimed Santa Cruz Division of the rest of the country. regretted that some political and media try to distort the appearance of Villa Vagas, trying to leave you forgotten that there was a separatist terrorist group led by Eduardo Rozsa Flores and others as they were identified as the killers. and those who financed

"Behind the group of foreign mercenaries who formed a cell with a mission to unleash violent actions in Bolivia, local funders had cost them their costs, accommodation, purchase of weapons and other, "he said.

said that this strategy show "an intention to protect some people who would be responsible for forming a mercenary organization whose purpose was to provoke actions to disintegrate the country, mainly the separation of the department of Santa Cruz of Bolivia."


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