The Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of Our Americas (ALBA) allowed the region to become the first free space illiteracy, said Cuban Minister of Education, Ena Elsa Velázquez. While inaugural conference of the International Congress Pedagogy 2011, which will conclude on Friday, Velazquez said that such success is an outcome of the grand-national literacy and post the ALBA.
We came to this event, the twelfth since 1986, with a hopeful outlook in the region to highlight the role of the initiative created by Cuba and Venezuela in 2004 and belonging Bolivia, Nicaragua , Ecuador, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
We are witnessing the update of the concept of integration our heroes, a dream that we believe possible, another way, a search, said the Minister in the presence of some three thousand 600 delegates from 23 countries.
Velázquez said more than five million people in 28 nations learned to read and write using the Cuban method "Yes, I can.
Special highlight Venezuela, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Ecuador joined in by declaring Cuba free of illiteracy.
Half a million people a few years ago were illiterate absolute and reached the level equivalent to elementary education, as I plan, I can follow, continued Velazquez in his lecture on the challenges of education in Latin America.
Among the largest delegations in that order are those of Venezuela and Mexico, more than one thousand attendees each, Cuba, with 600, and Brazil (500), said organizers.
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