Different groups Pro Bolivia Council in CPB-EU Europe, within our modest limitations we join the just demand of our people and its current government for the decriminalization of the sacred leaf of the coca and for this we are doing different activities such as the Diffusion and information on the properties and qualities of the coca leaf through conferences, internet, proximity radio, letters to the ministries of foreign affairs etc.
Sweden For attached one of these initiatives, which is the open letter addressed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the kingdom of Sweden. Also attached is the version in Swedish edioma.
By Pro Bolivia Council in Scandinavia CPB-Esc. Walter Rivera Vera
Request to Ministry of Foreign Affairs of SwedenThis is a request amendment to a resolution passed at the 1961 Convention which established removal of chewing the coca leaf in its natural state. This decision was based on racist and discriminatory views against people invaded and threatened with extermination. The resolution is obviously the scientific giving rise to arguments as "degenerate race" and a sheet became harmless narcotic. The grape is a natural food and no one would ban alcohol but as clear after a fermentation process becomes alcohol.Coca not cocaine, that coca is processed into cocaine is necessary to use chemicals such as: as sodium bicarbonate, potassium permanganate, lime, urea, cement and liquid substances such as gasoline, ether, diesel, thinner and more.use natural state of the sacred coca leaf has a proven data up to 10 thousand years. In Europe and the United States have been studies about it and they all conclude that coca is an exceptional food. The scientific outcome confirms the belief of our ancestors called "sacred." In the tundra that lies between the Andes Andes of South America for its use has been essential to our survival at this point in the cause of lack of oxygen, calcium and phosphorus. Sacred coca leaf helps the human body to absorb more oxygen, it contains more calcium than milk and more phosphorous than fish.a habit in which scarce these inputs. The coca leaf is a survival food for most people remaining in precarious situations. The coca leaf is also used in all the spiritual ceremonies of the majority of Bolivians in our worldview coca leaf symbolizes the contact with nature, our ancestors and our spirit. In the Andes, coca is also medicinal and used in many ways in its natural form as an infusion, such as soothing ointment but also as a remedy for diseases of the soul and as a means to bring young people who have fallen into drug addiction cocaine. These properties coca leaf became the symbol of survival and identity for over 500 years of invasion, colonialism (1492-1825) and apartheid republic (1825-2003) with constant extermination plans to our populations.our request then goes to the current government of the Kingdom of Sweden to support the policy of combating drug trafficking is now done by the Bolivian government to sacrifice, considering that the media population needed for Bolivia's production and activation. Bolivians do not advocate the use of cocaine and therefore demand that rich countries do their share of work in the fight against drug trafficking and drug addiction that harms our people. We therefore support the Bolivian government's proposals:
- That the UN decriminalize the coca leaf since coca is not cocaine.
- request the World Health Organization (WHO) publication
study on coca leaf made during the years 1991-1995currently banned by the U.S. government
- Establishing control in banking transactions, as it is known that these criminal networks do not take the money in bags, the money is handled through the banking system
- Control chemicals that are shipped from Europe and the United States to South America
- Fight against drugs in the countries where the use and demand is leading to profitable cocaine
- Help specific to current Bolivian government program that has been in practice a reduced access of the coca leaf to manufacture cocaine without trampling on human rights. In Bolivia, the armed struggle of the DEA (USA: s Drug Control Agency) to eradicate the coca leaf that strangely led to repressed humble peasants leaving the powerful mafias grow and expand their illegal trade.
up in Colombia's cocaine production increases the acreage of sowing. Militarized armed struggle and has led to thousands of Colombians have been dispossessed of their lands either by the drug cartels by persecution military, paramilitary or by the use of glyphosate that has poisoned the land to the extent that the land is unproductive . In Bolivia as never before has reduced the number of hectares planted with coca leaves, are being implemented in a victorious change the product plan for planting in this way the rural family to safeguard its economy ; family. To not name it political change to combat joint military cooperation with civil society has led to effective social control and that in recent years have discovered several mega fabs of cocaine that were previously invisible even though the DEA had daily access to maps satellite and art technique.
With the DEA at the head of the struggle against drug trafficking in Bolivia in the period 2001-2005 was the result: During the government of Evo Morales from 2006-2010 the result is: 48 tons of cocaine seizedbetween 6000-7000 hectares were eradicated coca leaf per yearoperating in 24 623 were destroyedRefinement 14 laboratories, 18 laboratories mega and 9,068 factories were dismantled.In 2001, seized 216 meters cubic liquid substances such as gasoline, ether, diesel and thinnerCrimes against human rights and ecological 2,375 tons of cocaine seized and 117 tons of the alkaloid.between 7000-8000 hectares were eradicated coca leaf per year56 000 operating in 57 laboratories were destroyed refinement, 36 mega labs and 23,860 plants were removedThe year 2010 seized 2,375 meters cubic liquid substances such as gasoline, ether, diesel and thinner50% of the drug seized in Bolivia is of Peruvian origin.Respect for human rightssocial control and cooperation
Thank you for your attention and timeBy PRO BOLIVIA COUNCIL IN SCANDINAVIA: Walter Vera Rivera,Jorge Carrasco and Jose Romero
For the Bolivia Support Group-Växjö: Victoria Gonzalez
Por el Comité de Apoyo a Bolivia - Malmö: Eulogio Limachi y Leonor Churquinia Cambio Foro-Bolivia: Nelson Monsalve, Judith Muñoz y Carlos Hernández
Letter to the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Swedish Foreign Ministry
This is a request for an amendment to JIFE's Convention, adopted in 1961, likewise criminalized coca leaf chewing in its natural state. The decision was based on racist and discriminatory views against South America's indigenous people, who after the invasion in 1492 have been threatened with extinction. The resolution was accepted by the argument that "degenerate race" to describe our population. With these arguments was a harmless coca leaves to as narcotics. Grape is a natural wear and no one would argue that this berry is the same as alcohol, but of course after a fermentation process turns the berry to alcohol. Cook is not cocaine, coca leaf to be cocaine, it is necessary to use chemicals such as sodium, potassium, gypsum, urea and liquid substances such as benzene, ether, benzene, thinner, and others.
use of coca leaf in its natural state has an archaeological data up to 10 thousand years. Surrounding this sheet has been the subject of scientific studies in Europe and the U.S. findings is that coca is an amazing food. The scientific results confirm our ancestral knowledge of this plant. On the tundra that lies between the Andes in South America have this food use has been vital to our survival. The height of the mountains means that there is a lack of oxygen and scarce animals that would provide access to calcium and phosphorus. Boil the leaves helps body to absorb more oxygen contains more calcium than milk and more phosphorous than fish.
In a habitat where there is a shortage of these vital prerequisites coca leaf was a prerequisite for survival. Access to food for most Bolivians are still inadequate to the climate change that will hit hard Bolivia. Coca leaf is also used in spiritual ceremonies of the majority of Bolivians, in our view of the world symbolizes the coca leaf in touch with nature and our spirituality. In the Andes, coca leaves are also a drug used in many way in their natural form as an infusion, such as soothing ointment but also as a cure for soul's diseases, and as a way to help young people to get away from the abuse of cocaine. This sheet also became a symbol of survival and identity for over 500 years of invasion, colonialism and apartheid republic (1825-2003) and the plans and actions on the eradication of our populations conducted between 1492-1825.
With the above background, we turn to Swedish managers in the State Department to ask for support for the Bolivian government's policy on the fight against drug trafficking and recognition of the use of coca leaf in the diet. The Bolivian government sacrifices today large sums of money in their fight against narkotrafikanterna although these resources may well be needed to reduce the huge inequities that still exist in Bolivia. Bolivia are not advocating the use of cocaine and therefore we demand that rich countries do their share of work in the fight against drug trafficking and drug abuse that lead to great suffering. We ask you to support the Bolivian government's proposal:
- to remove coca leaf from the drug list where coca leaf is not cocaine.
- To request the World Health Organization (WHO) publishes the study of the coca leaf, which occurred in the years 1991 to 1995 the results of which are currently prohibited by the U.S. government.
- Work for Money Laundering Act and penninghäleri legislation introduced in the EU where it is known that criminal networks are not moving the money in bags. The money is handled through the international banking system.
- introduction and control of chemicals transported from Europe to South America.
- The fight against drug trafficking in the countries where the use and demand is intensified and made more efficient. It is the increased demand for cocaine that lead to profitable business.
- Practical Help for the current Bolivian government programs that actually reduce supply of coca leaves to manufacture cocaine, but to commit crimes against humanity. Previously led the DEA (U.S. Drug Control Agency) in an armed struggle against narkotrafikanterna in Bolivia. The similarity with what is now happening in Mexico is large and failed completely when the goals were poor peasants who were persecuted and murdered while narkotrafikanternas gangs grew and expanded their illegal trade.
In Colombia increased cocaine production and the extensive militarization of society has led to thousands of Colombians have been deprived of their land, either by drug cartel groups, military, paramilitary, or through the use of glyphosate has poisoned the land in the extent that the land is sterile. In Bolivia, where in the past number of hectares planted with coca leaves, rose steadily made today a successful change plan for sowing the seed of other products. This way you protect your family finances in the countryside, not to mention the political change from military confrontation to cooperation with civil society that have led to an effective social control.
With DEA \u200b\u200bthe lead in the fight against drug trafficking in Bolivia during 2001-2005 was the result: | Under the government Evo Morales fr.om 2006-2010 is the result: |
48 tons of cocaine were seized. The area of \u200b\u200bcoca leaf declined by 6000 - 24 623 operations were carried out 14 laboratories for refining, 18 mega-laboratories and 9068 factories closed down. In 2001, seized Economic Crimes and crimes against humanity were common elements of Plan Colombia. | 2375 tons of cocaine and 117 tons of alkaloid were seized. The area of \u200b\u200bcoca leaf fell by 7000 - 56 000 operations were carried out. 57 laboratories for refining, 36 mega-laboratories and 23 860 factories closed down. In 2010, seized Respect for human rights social control and cooperation 50% of the seized drug has Peruvian origin. |
CONSEJO PRO BOLIVIA in Scandinavia : Walter Vera Rivera, Jorge Carrasco and José Romero
Por el Grupo de Apoyo a Bolivia-Växjö Victoria Gonzalez
For the Committee of Support to Bolivia - Malmö: Eulogio Limachi och Leonor Churquinia
CHANGE Forums Bolivia: Nelson Monsalve, Carlos Hernandez Judith Muñoz och
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