Monday, April 6, 2009

Best Senior Week Destinations


HAPPENED ... Was there something behind ...!!! WHY SO MANY RODEOS ...!!!
Who is to blame?? SEE THE VIDEO

the reporting of some blogs point out that there were local changes at the last minute and there were also people who had the keys (imagine) the examination of 2009 I unfv one day before the high entrance exam ...


Trafa denounce in the entrance examination Villarreal -
protests grow after the test at the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal

When the police repressed a group of candidates throwing stones yesterday after failing to pay to enter consideration at one of 13 local Villarreal University located in the shred Camana underwent Ivan Ipanaqué Otta (49) and Alain Dueñas Aliber (26), whom the protesters accused of having answer sheets.

Ipanaqué, that by the end of March was a teacher at the Pre Villarreal, was taken to the DIVINCRI Cercado de Lima, where he said "these sheets were on the floor. I walked around the premises. In that saw police and ran because I was scared. " He was accused of fraud and the prosecution ordered his release and is said to continue with the investigations.

finish the exam, many candidates reported an alleged fraud during the performance test 2009-I general.

On the other hand, outraged parents reported irregularities in the examination for admission to this house of studies. They said some candidates had the answers from a day earlier. "I knew the answers and say they are the Apra, so nobody can do anything. The guys who did study are at a disadvantage," said one father.

also a few thousand students demonstrated their anger at the alleged transformer and the delay of the publication of the results by posting comments and chatting on the College Admissions Blog, covering all occurrences of the process.

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