Monday, January 26, 2009

One Boob Hurts Pregnancy

The Borage is an herb that grows mainly in southern Europe and northern Africa but also in non-cultivated land in temperate regions. Its botanical name is Borago officinalis, family of boragináceas. The plant has a hollow stem, thick and mucilaginous up to 70 cm high, much branched. Has many white hairs on the stem and leaves. The star-shaped flowers, and are blue and less white. As medical can use the entire plant, flowers and seeds less frequently.

chemical composition. has a high mucilage content neutral (30%), largely responsible for its activity. Other ingredients are tannins, salicylic acid (to 2.5%), vitamin C, organic acids, nitrates, pyrrolizidine alkaloids, allantoin and essential oil. It is also rich in minerals, especially potassium.

pharmacological properties.
  • System Respiratory: for its mucilage content, borage is an excellent emollient, decongestant and expectorant.
  • Digestive System: used borage juice as a remedy for intestinal parasites, and against the jaundice.
  • Urinary System: borage has a weak diuretic effect. Cleansing properties. Besides the flowers are used as sweat, in fact, the word "borage" derives from the Arabic word Abou rach, which literally means "father of sweat."
  • Dermatology exerts an astringent and anti-inflammatory on the skin.
Therapeutic. The use of borage is very useful in cases of cough, especially in dry cough. May be used for respiratory conditions such as coughs and colds and cases of bronquitis.También mouthwashes are recommended in case of thrush (mouth sores) or angina. A tract level used infusions of borage in cases of intestinal parasites, especially in children, and in cases of jaundice. It is also useful lowering the fever, sweat and cleansing properties. For external route can be used as compresses or poultices to heal wounds for its astringent properties, as well as rashes or irritated skin. You can also use the borage seed oil as a liniment for external route in cases of arthritis to reduce inflammation in affected joints.

Unwanted effects and contraindications. Plant low toxicity and well tolerated. not eat steadily and in large quantities because it contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids and nitrates. Not recommended for use during pregnancy.

administration and dosage forms.
-Infusion of flowers: one teaspoon per cup of hot water.
-Mother tincture: 30 drops, 3 times a day.
-Fluid extract: 0.5-3 grams.
, borage seed oil, pressed for use in cases of arthritis.


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