Monday, December 17, 2007

Moped Battery Charge Time?

Sales Pharmacy Natural Products for Cold soar this year

pharmacy sales of natural products to treat flus and colds has increased by 24.5% in 2007, according to the latest report notes Phytotherapy Research Center (INFITA) developed from data of Nielsen.

Until last month were dispensed in pharmacies around the country more than 236,000 products produced with natur ales ( propolis and echinacea , mostly) to try and alleviate cold symptoms and flu, compared with 178,000 the same period last year . "The trend increasingly to natural products sold in pharmacies, explains this increase, especially in diseases such as colds and flu for which no curative treatment with synthetic drugs, "said Concha Navarro, Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Granada and president infit.

The strongest growth is for the preparations of echinacea a plant used to strengthen the immune system, whose use has increased by 25% compared to data from the previous year, in which was a slight decrease compared to 2005 . Between January and November 2007 were dispensed Echinacea 142,000 units in English pharmacies, compared with 107,000 in 2006. The combination of the activity of various components such as phenolic compounds s (chicory acid, echinacoside, flavonoids), polysaccharides and alkylamides among others, empower various groups of cells in the human defense system making an echinacea plant more effective against colds and flu. This is evidenced by the latest study at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Hartford Hospital, in the United States, published in the journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases, last June, which found that echinacea can reduce by 58 percent the rate chance of catching cold.

For his part, propolis, a natural substance extracted by bees from the buds of trees, continues to increase its fuel consumption and has become one of the preferred substance for the co nsumidores to relieve symptoms of respiratory diseases typical of winter, an increase of a quarter from the data collected in 2006 (from 70,000 to 93,500 units). Its composition, rich in flavonoids, phenolic compounds (tannins and phenolic acids), phytosterols, vitamins, minerals and linoleic acid, it becomes a product with antimicrobial capacity, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antioxidant, as has been demonstrated in recent studies god. It also acts against Staphylococcus aureus, the germ common in respiratory infections, and against a broad spectrum of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Use individually or in combination with the properties of honey, helps prevent and relieve disease, viral or bacterial such as flu and colds. Therefore, propolis today has become one of the most popular natural products in pharmacies.

Another bee products sale most popular drug these days is the real jelly , recommended to provide the energy needed by children and adolescents, especially when temperatures drop too much. This product herbal medicines is a fluid substance that bees produce to feed the larvae from the hive. Royal jelly is created in the pharyngeal glands of insects from honey, nectar and water they collect from abroad, mixing with saliva, hormones and vitamins in it. Among other compounds containing sugars, proteins, lipids and ash. It is a valuable source of vitamins of group B. For their properties, is a tonic for recovering from a cold.


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