Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Hot Topic I Heart Boobies

The name Angelica species know Angelica archangelica (Umbelliferae). Its name comes from the popular belief that the plant is a gift from the Archangel Gabriel for their healing properties. It is a plant of the Umbelliferae family, whose habitat is located in marshes and swamps and damp places in central Europe and northern Asia, au nthat is grown in many countries, especially in central Europe. In Spain there predominantly wild angelica, with the same therapeutic activity but lower power, while we find Angelica archangelica in high mountain areas. In America there is another species similar properties is the angelic atro-purpurea. It is a biennial plant consignment ro bust and small dark root secondary rootlets. By cutting the roots, leaving a yellowish liquid, resinous, bitter and rich in essential oil. The plant reaches 70 inches and blooms in April, fruiting month or month and a half after flowering. The medicinal parts are the root and less seeds. The root should be collected in autumn of second year and that is when the concentration of active compounds is maximum.

chemical composition. essential oil (1-1.5%), phellandrene rich. also contains coumarins and furocoumarins and angelic acid, tannins, sugars and resins.

pharmacological activity.
  • Digestive System: in this field is where angelica has its greatest impact. Has traditionally been used in digestive problems such as poor appetite, dyspepsia (indigestion hard), put orismo (intestinal gas). Bitter by nature, is a stomach tonic improves digestion, anti-spasmodic properties and antiflatulents . Is soothing the digestive system, so it is recommended in painful problems of the digestive system or nervous. Another interesting property is that it decreases saburra (yellowish-white layer covering the tongue).
  • Nervous System: treatment of nervous disorders such as migraine or nervous type cramps.
  • Gynecology: promotes menstruation. For this activity are most effective in the resulting seed root.
  • Otolaryngology: by its tannin content, is used as a gargle to treat disorders of the throat, in combination with other plants such as blackberry.
  • Endocrine system: recent research s the angelic enal inhibits the adrenal cortex. For this the angelic used as a sedative to the nervous system, decreases the production of adrenaline and is effective against stress .
Therapeutic. digestions is indicated in lack of appetite and anorexia, and when there is intestinal gases, ie, improves digestion difficult. Recommended for use in stomach pain due to any cause. Another use is to treat nervous disorders, migraines, stress , nervous type cramps ... Other indications are in cases of menstrual problems such as amenorrhea . also advised to treat nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. Finally recommended gargling with angelica and blackberry to treat tonsillitis and pharyngitis.

Unwanted effects and contraindications. plant is well tolerated.

administration and dosage forms.
-Infusion of the root, or, failing that, stems and seeds. 30 to 50 g per liter of water. If boiling is prolonged, reduces the medicinal effect of loss of essential oils. This also happens if you wait too long to take since the compounds assets are volatile.
Powder: 5 to 10 g daily.
-Tincture: 20 to 50 drops before meals.
-Mother tincture: 40 drops three times daily. Fluid-extract
: 0,5-1 g, several times a day.