Saturday, April 5, 2008

No Sirve El Sig6 En Windowsblinds

Basil Carrot Papaya

Papaya As we know the fruits of papaya , botanical name Carica papaya tree in the family Caricaceae. It is a plant native to Central and South America, but now cultivated throughout the world although species in Africa and Asia in the tropics. The pawpaw is a tree without branches between 2 and 6 meters, with palmate leaves and fruit morphology are oblong and may be green, yellow, orange or pink.
Pharmacy used in dried latex obtained from immature fruits, also used the leaves and fruits as well as the enzyme obtained from the latex, called papain.

chemical composition. The latex contains mainly crude papain, which consists of a mixture of papain, chymopapain A and B, A and papayaproteinasa papayapeptidasa omega.

pharmacological properties.

  • Digestive System: facilitates Papain digestion of proteins, is resistant the pH of the stomach and antiulcer properties, antisecretory and anthelmintic (anti worms worms or parasites, usually diseases). It also has bactericidal action.

Therapeutic. The enzyme papain is used as a substitute in cases of severe gastric or duodenal, ie in cases of poor digestion by gastric acid deficiency leads to indigestion and gas pain. It also has utility as an assistant in the treatment of disorders of the oropharyngeal mucosa and oral lesions. Used for cleaning contact lenses cornea. The leaf extract and fruit juice is indicated in cases of indigestion or poor digestion. Another interesting use for their proteolytic and bactericidal properties is its use to treat acne.

Unwanted effects and contraindications. Possible allergic reaction to papaya and its components. Can occur in coagulation disorders. Avoid use in pregnant women and during lactation. Papain is potentially teratogenic and abortifacient.

administration and dosage forms. For poor digestion impaired gastric acid should be administered 30 minutes before meals. The recommended dose is 300 mg of leaf powder or dry.