Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Irritation And Itchiness After Brazilian Wax

Espino Albar

The Espino Albar or Hawthorn is a shrub native to Europe, North Africa and western Asia. Beech grows in or near them. Its botanical name is oxyacantha Crataegus, family Rosaceae. You can reach 9 feet high, its leaves are bright green, its fruits are red and see some sort of flowers between April and June. Its wood is very hard. Used in phytotherapy and medicinal flowers (collected in spring), and their leaves and fruit. Other medicinal species are Crataegus monogyna and Crataegus laevigata .

chemical composition. The drug contains a complex composition but three groups include phytochemicals, flavonoids , proanthocyanidins and terpenoids. Among the flavonoids highlights the presence of principles derived from apigenin, luteolin and quercetin (hyperoside and vitexin). It also contains essential oil, purines, amines, vitamin C and minerals.

pharmacological properties.
  • cardiovascular system: moderate hypotensive effect, but prolonged in time. Reduces congestive heart failure and angina. Antiarrhythmic properties, regulating heart rhythm and preventing atrial fibrillation. It also has soothing properties of vascular smooth muscle. In vitro studies have shown that the standardized extract of hawthorn inhibits myocardial enzyme ATPase-Na +, K +-dependent and blocks the repolarizing potassium current, increasing the refractory period, which justifies its antiarrhythmic properties. Proanthocyanidins inhibit angiotensin converting enzyme, which further emphasizes its antihypertensive power, and is also potassium-sparing diuretic.
  • nervous system: it is an interesting sendante nervous system, and antispasmodic. Is indicated as a mild sedative.
  • Urinary System : already mentioned, for proanthocyanidins and its content in purines. This helps to lower high blood pressure.
Therapeutic. Indicated exaggerated heart palpitations (after discarding conditions). In any case it is a drug used in adjuvant drug therapies or in mild heart disease. Only be given to adults. also in cases of emotional excitement, stress and autonomic dystonia that affect sleep.

undesirable effects and contraindications. hawthorn extract has low toxicity but described the possible interactions with other cardioactive drugs. Should be administered with caution in patients with cardio.

preparations and dosage. The use of standardized extracts at a dose between 160 and 900 mg / day. There are many preparations on the market: 350 mg powder capsules (3-5 per day) criomolido powder capsules 270 mg, Capsules 132 mg standardized aqueous extract (3-6 day) or 200 mg (2 daily). You can also manage standardized fluid extract (0.5-2 g daily) or infusion (10 g / l, 15 min) 250 ml, 2-3 a day.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The North Face Bags Counterfeit

Salvia Holly

The Salvia or Salvia Real is the botanical species Salvia officinalis , belonging to the family of Labiatae. It lives in dry, arid, in Mediterranean Europe, from Spain to the Adriatic. Prefers calcareous soils and low fertility. The variety lavandulifolia predominates in the western Mediterranean, while in the eastern half of the predominant variety major (Dalmatian Sage). It was used from ancient Greece, to darken the hair.
is a perennial subshrub, very thick and branched. Reaches up to 50 cms in height. The stem is downy, gray-green leaves and large flowers blue and violet, appear in August. It has a strong aromatic smell.
In Pharmacy are used as medicinal leaves and flowering tops.

chemical composition. With essential oil, between 0.5 and 2.5%. The essential oil content is highest just before flowering, and at times of increased insolation (there are up to 45% more). It's in the leaves. The plant also contains flavonoids, bitter principles, organic acids, resin and tannins.

pharmacological properties.
  • digestive system, stimulates bile secretion (an choleretic) and decreases digestive flatulence.
  • skin and mucous : promotes healing of wounds, and astringent. It also has a good antiseptic effect.
  • antiperspirant : essential oil paralyzes peripheral nerve endings of sweat glands and acts on the thermoregulatory center in the brain.
  • antispasmodic : used water saturated with essential oil. This effect, direct action on the nervous system has been experimentally verified.
  • emenagoga : by estrogenic properties, helps restore menstruation.
  • Hypoglycemic .
Therapeutic. is used in mouthwashes in case of inflammation of the gums and sore throat. Sage compresses on wounds and ulcers aid to rapid healing, for its astringent power.
In digestions can be used for its choleretic and prevent flatulence.
also is used in febrile episodes (prevents sweat) and spasms. Can be combined with
rosemary, eucalyptus and echinacea to boost its antiseptic and healing effect.

Unwanted effects and contraindications. not use in renal failure and autonomic instability. The essential oil, because it contains thuyona, is toxic and can cause seizures at high doses. Do not use in pregnancy for its estrogenic action and abortion.

administration and dosage forms.
-Infusion: 5-10 grams per liter of water. Taken after meals. As antiperspirant, using a double concentration.
-Decoction: 20 g per liter. For outdoor applications.
-Tincture: 50 drops, 2 hours before sweating.
-fluid extract, a teaspoon at bedtime.
-Nebulizer: 150-300 mg daily.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Mucus Relief Dm Overdose


The root and rhizome of Polígala , botanical species Polygala senega (Poligaláceas) is used in herbal medicine for their expectorant and mucolytic properties. This plant grows spontaneously in the Mediterranean bio-climate mountainous areas. It is a small shrub that can reach 50 cm high, stems with leaves and flowers only at the top. It is an evergreen plant to grow requires major exhibition solar.

chemical composition. The root and rhizome contain mainly triterpene saponosides bidesmoside (6-10%). The mixture is called senegina and consists of a complex mixture derived from different genin. They also contain lipids, phenolic acids, essential oil (0.2%) and methyl salicylate.

pharmacological properties.
  • Respiratory system: pharmacological interest of this kind lies in its properties mucolytic expectorants and therefore cause the expulsion of mucous and secretions in the bronchial tree, larynx, pharynx ... Exert their effect by a reflex mechanism, so it should be administered preferably in the form of oral infusion.
  • Other , have been described and immuno-inflammatory properties. You are exploring the possible hypoglycemic effects.
Therapeutic. Polígala root is indicated for the treatment of colds of the airways in chronic bronchitis and asthma.

undesirable effects and contraindications. Contraindications None reported. May cause gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea during prolonged or overdosage.

administration and dosage forms. is administered 1.5 to 3.0 g of drug or fluid extract per day. In the case of dye is administered 2.5 to 7.5 g of dye per day or the equivalent amount of their preparations.