Sunday, October 26, 2008

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Angelica Borage

The Aquileia, also popularly known as Yarrow or Cientoenrama of botanical name Achillea millefolium ( Asteraceae) is a perennial that reaches the feet in height. It blooms from May to October and its flowers are grayish-white (sometimes pink or purple) and aromatic. Its taste is bitter, astringent and slightly salty. It grows in meadows, edges roads, pastures and barren and wet places throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, North America and Australia. It is used as though the whole plant medicinal flowers are the most active.

chemical composition. essential oil, which is 0.02 to 0.5% of fresh flowers. Also found in the leaves and to a lesser extent the stem. The most abundant component of the essential oil is chamazulene (40%) which is the same as found in chamomile . Other active constituents are flavonoids , sesquiterpene lactones , bitter substances, glycosides, polyunsaturated fatty acids , tannins, vitamin C and nitrogenous substances such as choline.

pharmacological properties.
  • Digestive System: yarrow is a good stomach tonic that aids digestion and which has properties choleretic and antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory . inflammatory properties are general and nonspecific . It is also an appetite stimulant.
  • cardiovascular system : has a antihaemorrhagic effect discrete, reducing clotting time. Also due to the presence of choline and its diuretic effect is slight hypotensive action smooth.
  • Other: antibiotic action on Staphylococcus aureus infections.
Therapeutic. Recommended for use in digestive problems such as gastrointestinal inflammation or slow digestion (dyspepsia). It can also be used as an appetite stimulant in cases of anorexia and to prevent nausea. In addition to its antispasmodic properties used for the digestive system is very useful gynecology, rules painful (dysmenorrhea), menorrhagia, amenorrhea and leucorrhoea. Its effect antihaemorrhagic bleeding is particularly useful in bladder, lung, hemorrhoid. Classically used for its antibiotic effect vaginitis.

Unwanted effects and contraindications. Well tolerated in general. Causes hives in sensitive people yarrow.

administration and dosage forms.
-Decoction: 30 to 60 g per liter of water.
-Fluid Extract : 3 to 6 g daily.

-Tincture: 20 to 30 drops several times a day.
-Essential oil: 5 drops. Achilles
-Syrup: 10% of fluid extract of yarrow in simple syrup. It takes teaspoons.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

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The name Angelica species know Angelica archangelica (Umbelliferae). Its name comes from the popular belief that the plant is a gift from the Archangel Gabriel for their healing properties. It is a plant of the Umbelliferae family, whose habitat is located in marshes and swamps and damp places in central Europe and northern Asia, au nthat is grown in many countries, especially in central Europe. In Spain there predominantly wild angelica, with the same therapeutic activity but lower power, while we find Angelica archangelica in high mountain areas. In America there is another species similar properties is the angelic atro-purpurea. It is a biennial plant consignment ro bust and small dark root secondary rootlets. By cutting the roots, leaving a yellowish liquid, resinous, bitter and rich in essential oil. The plant reaches 70 inches and blooms in April, fruiting month or month and a half after flowering. The medicinal parts are the root and less seeds. The root should be collected in autumn of second year and that is when the concentration of active compounds is maximum.

chemical composition. essential oil (1-1.5%), phellandrene rich. also contains coumarins and furocoumarins and angelic acid, tannins, sugars and resins.

pharmacological activity.
  • Digestive System: in this field is where angelica has its greatest impact. Has traditionally been used in digestive problems such as poor appetite, dyspepsia (indigestion hard), put orismo (intestinal gas). Bitter by nature, is a stomach tonic improves digestion, anti-spasmodic properties and antiflatulents . Is soothing the digestive system, so it is recommended in painful problems of the digestive system or nervous. Another interesting property is that it decreases saburra (yellowish-white layer covering the tongue).
  • Nervous System: treatment of nervous disorders such as migraine or nervous type cramps.
  • Gynecology: promotes menstruation. For this activity are most effective in the resulting seed root.
  • Otolaryngology: by its tannin content, is used as a gargle to treat disorders of the throat, in combination with other plants such as blackberry.
  • Endocrine system: recent research s the angelic enal inhibits the adrenal cortex. For this the angelic used as a sedative to the nervous system, decreases the production of adrenaline and is effective against stress .
Therapeutic. digestions is indicated in lack of appetite and anorexia, and when there is intestinal gases, ie, improves digestion difficult. Recommended for use in stomach pain due to any cause. Another use is to treat nervous disorders, migraines, stress , nervous type cramps ... Other indications are in cases of menstrual problems such as amenorrhea . also advised to treat nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy. Finally recommended gargling with angelica and blackberry to treat tonsillitis and pharyngitis.

Unwanted effects and contraindications. plant is well tolerated.

administration and dosage forms.
-Infusion of the root, or, failing that, stems and seeds. 30 to 50 g per liter of water. If boiling is prolonged, reduces the medicinal effect of loss of essential oils. This also happens if you wait too long to take since the compounds assets are volatile.
Powder: 5 to 10 g daily.
-Tincture: 20 to 50 drops before meals.
-Mother tincture: 40 drops three times daily. Fluid-extract
: 0,5-1 g, several times a day.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

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Wormwood Yarrow

The Wormwood is the plant species Artemisia absinthium , family Compositae. Other common names are or absinthe incense. Comes from the temperate zones of Siberia, although it grows on stony and mountainous practically all of Europe, where it has naturalized.
Wormwood is a perennial plant that can reach three feet high. The stems are herbaceous, branching, dry quickly in winter, while the root grows and creates new shoots each spring. Its flowers are yellow. The plant gives off an aromatic odor and tastes very bitter.
used in pharmacy and medicine the whole plant, collected at the time of flowering. Furthermore, the wormwood is the main component of the known high alcohol content drink absinthe, which can reach 89'9 º, also called "green fairy."

chemical composition. called absintol contains essential oil (1%) of characteristic blue, because it contains thuyona and azulene. The highest concentration of essential oil is obtained at the time of flowering. It also contains bitter principles of guayanólidos group. Other components are flavonoids, tannins, acids, carotenes, phytosterols, niacin and palmitic acid, and vitamin C.

pharmacological properties.
  • Digestive System: is a bitter tonic and stomach that opens the appetite and aids digestion by increasing gastric secretion. The liver has a tonic effect (choleretic) if given in moderate doses, thereby increasing the secretion bile, clearing the liver. It also has a carminative effect, facilitating the expulsion of intestinal gas.
  • Gynecology: emmenagogue effect acts on the uterus to facilitate menstruation. Regulates menstrual cycle.
  • Anthelmintic: anti-parasites effect very effective. Especially in species Ascaris lumbricoides Ascaris vermicularis and .
  • external Via: external anti-inflammatory effect. It also has antiseptic.
Therapeutic. Use in heavy digestions, mostly accompanied by flatulence, there were significant improvements in these symptoms. Also for its appetite-stimulating properties in cases of anorexia due to any cause. A fruitful intestinal parasitism vermifuge properties, especially caused by the above named species.
is recommended in cases of imbalance in the menstrual cycle and in the absence of menstruation (amenorrhea).
For externally, useful application in bruises, bruises, sprains and local inflammation.

Unwanted effects and contraindications. The thuyona contained in the essential oil is something toxic. Do not use at high doses it can cause dizziness, headache and convulsions. Protracted taking wormwood, absinthe liquor or causes the so-called "Absinthe" hallucinations, addiction, tremors, nausea and vomiting.

administration and dosage forms.
whole plant-Infusion: 1 g per cup unsweetened. Taken after meals as a tonic digetivo.
Powder: 1 g, after all three meals.
-Solids: 200 mg per dose, two or three times a day.
-fluid extract: 0.5-3 g daily.
-Tincture: 20 to 40 drops per dose.
-Oil Essential: 1 to 5 drops dissolved in a tea or a sugar cube.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Calgary Jabbawockeez Glove

The or Alhábega Basil (basil in English) is a plant native to India, and cultivated since ancient times throughout the Mediterranean basin line. Measuring about 60 cm tall, with sturdy stems, pale green leaves and white or slightly pink flowers that appear mid-summer. The whole plant emits a strong aromatic smell, as well as medicinal value has a great interest especially in the kitchen cooking EDITERRANEAN m, which is used in salads, meats, soups and pasta sauces as the famous pesto, which is the main component.
The botanical name for basil is Ocimum basilicum , the family of Labiatae. Pharmacy is used as medicine the whole plant, especially leaves and flowers.

chemical composition. Basil is rich in essential oil (up to 1%), which is of variable composition, and contains linalool, estragol, pinene, eugenol and camphor and others. It also contains tannins by 4%.

pharmacological properties.
  • Digestive System: has a spasmolytic effect (prevents stomach cramps), eupéptico (ie, which aids digestion) and stomach. A level tract is also important antivomitiva owned. Also used as antianorexígeno to stimulate appetite.
  • Nervous System: is a hypnotic weak. properties tranquilizers and muscle relaxants.
  • Infections essential oil is a good antiseptic n .
Therapeutic. is indicated in heavy digestions, processes gastric or intestinal inflammation, and nausea antivomitivo effect. Also recommended as an appetite stimulant in anorexia or children. Another use is as relaxing stress or nervousness especially if associated with processes d igestivos, manage valerian with lemon balm or , through internal or diluting an infusion of basil leaves in hot bath water. Another use is as an antiseptic, essential oil diluted with external via wet cloth or by gargling.
Another use is effective as a mosquito repellent.

Unwanted effects and contraindications. basil plant is not toxic and no side effects, although its properties are weak or moderate. As always, caution with essential oils, never use concentrated and can irritate the mucous membranes, n administered via external or open wounds.

administration and dosage forms.
-Infusion is prepared at 1-2%, ie using 10 to 20 g per liter, digestive problems.
-Essential oil: Use as an antiseptic for orally 2 to 3 drops, two or three times a day, and dissolved in a tea.
-Mother tincture: 40 drops three times daily.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

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Basil Carrot Papaya

Papaya As we know the fruits of papaya , botanical name Carica papaya tree in the family Caricaceae. It is a plant native to Central and South America, but now cultivated throughout the world although species in Africa and Asia in the tropics. The pawpaw is a tree without branches between 2 and 6 meters, with palmate leaves and fruit morphology are oblong and may be green, yellow, orange or pink.
Pharmacy used in dried latex obtained from immature fruits, also used the leaves and fruits as well as the enzyme obtained from the latex, called papain.

chemical composition. The latex contains mainly crude papain, which consists of a mixture of papain, chymopapain A and B, A and papayaproteinasa papayapeptidasa omega.

pharmacological properties.

  • Digestive System: facilitates Papain digestion of proteins, is resistant the pH of the stomach and antiulcer properties, antisecretory and anthelmintic (anti worms worms or parasites, usually diseases). It also has bactericidal action.

Therapeutic. The enzyme papain is used as a substitute in cases of severe gastric or duodenal, ie in cases of poor digestion by gastric acid deficiency leads to indigestion and gas pain. It also has utility as an assistant in the treatment of disorders of the oropharyngeal mucosa and oral lesions. Used for cleaning contact lenses cornea. The leaf extract and fruit juice is indicated in cases of indigestion or poor digestion. Another interesting use for their proteolytic and bactericidal properties is its use to treat acne.

Unwanted effects and contraindications. Possible allergic reaction to papaya and its components. Can occur in coagulation disorders. Avoid use in pregnant women and during lactation. Papain is potentially teratogenic and abortifacient.

administration and dosage forms. For poor digestion impaired gastric acid should be administered 30 minutes before meals. The recommended dose is 300 mg of leaf powder or dry.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

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The Carrot or Charlotte, botanical name Daucus carota var. sativus, family Umbelliferae, is a plant known by all, with a characteristic typically orange root is widely used in food and also for its medicinal properties and dermopharmacy pharmacy. Although the wild carrot is native to Europe, is also naturalized in central Asia and the United States. Is grown, yes, all over the world. As a medicinal root used in the wild bean and seeds of wild and domestic varieties.

chemical composition. The carrot is rich in fiber , carotenes (alpha, beta and gamma, that the body will be transformed into vitamin A ) and vitamins B1, B2 , C, D , E, F . Also contains essential oil, essential fatty acids, minerals (especially potassium), sugars (glucose and sucrose), flavonoids, pectin and plant gums.

pharmacological properties.
  • Heart and circulation: carrot seed have a modest effect on coronary artery dilator also the root is hypotensive.
  • Kidneys: carrot certain substances decrease the blood sugar level, so that, despite containing sugars, is an interesting vegetable schemes for diabetics. It has a mild diuretic.
  • Digestive : its high content of pectin is causing antidiarrheal properties, particularly in the diarrhea of \u200b\u200bthe baby. Carrot seeds are carminative and useful in cases of flatulence and intestinal cramps.
  • Anthelmintic : its essential oil is toxic to intestinal parasites, especially worms, in which it is paralyzing. In these cases it should take freshly squeezed carrot juice, 100 to 500 cc each feeding 4 or 5 times a day for 2 days.
  • Dermatology: because they are high in carotenoids, carrot juice is used in cosmetics and skin nourishing as well as for the treatment of acne. Also in preparation for a bed, to strengthen and maintain, and to protect the skin. In cases of pruritus (itching) skin, are useful poultices of carrot juice. Also recommended in cases of ulcers. Their antioxidant vitamins give the skin.
Therapeutic. for its coronary vasodilator effect, is recommended for use in angina pectoris and myocardial infarction, even in cases of hypertension. On the other hand, it recommends its inclusion in diets for diabetics by lowering blood glucose levels. It is also recommended for diarrhea, especially children. Other uses are as an intestinal parasite (worms especially pinworms) and nutritional dermopharmacy as skin, antipruritic and maintenance effect of tan.

Unwanted effects and contraindications. not show any toxicity, but long after taking large amounts can see a yellow pigment in the skin due to carotene in carrots.

administration and dosage forms.
Seed Powder: 1 to 4 grams, several times a day.
-Juice: 50-250 cc per feeding.
Decoction: "soup" of carrot. A minimum of 10 g per cup carrot. Before meals.
-Capsules: up to 500 mg per capsule.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

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Espino Albar

The Espino Albar or Hawthorn is a shrub native to Europe, North Africa and western Asia. Beech grows in or near them. Its botanical name is oxyacantha Crataegus, family Rosaceae. You can reach 9 feet high, its leaves are bright green, its fruits are red and see some sort of flowers between April and June. Its wood is very hard. Used in phytotherapy and medicinal flowers (collected in spring), and their leaves and fruit. Other medicinal species are Crataegus monogyna and Crataegus laevigata .

chemical composition. The drug contains a complex composition but three groups include phytochemicals, flavonoids , proanthocyanidins and terpenoids. Among the flavonoids highlights the presence of principles derived from apigenin, luteolin and quercetin (hyperoside and vitexin). It also contains essential oil, purines, amines, vitamin C and minerals.

pharmacological properties.
  • cardiovascular system: moderate hypotensive effect, but prolonged in time. Reduces congestive heart failure and angina. Antiarrhythmic properties, regulating heart rhythm and preventing atrial fibrillation. It also has soothing properties of vascular smooth muscle. In vitro studies have shown that the standardized extract of hawthorn inhibits myocardial enzyme ATPase-Na +, K +-dependent and blocks the repolarizing potassium current, increasing the refractory period, which justifies its antiarrhythmic properties. Proanthocyanidins inhibit angiotensin converting enzyme, which further emphasizes its antihypertensive power, and is also potassium-sparing diuretic.
  • nervous system: it is an interesting sendante nervous system, and antispasmodic. Is indicated as a mild sedative.
  • Urinary System : already mentioned, for proanthocyanidins and its content in purines. This helps to lower high blood pressure.
Therapeutic. Indicated exaggerated heart palpitations (after discarding conditions). In any case it is a drug used in adjuvant drug therapies or in mild heart disease. Only be given to adults. also in cases of emotional excitement, stress and autonomic dystonia that affect sleep.

undesirable effects and contraindications. hawthorn extract has low toxicity but described the possible interactions with other cardioactive drugs. Should be administered with caution in patients with cardio.

preparations and dosage. The use of standardized extracts at a dose between 160 and 900 mg / day. There are many preparations on the market: 350 mg powder capsules (3-5 per day) criomolido powder capsules 270 mg, Capsules 132 mg standardized aqueous extract (3-6 day) or 200 mg (2 daily). You can also manage standardized fluid extract (0.5-2 g daily) or infusion (10 g / l, 15 min) 250 ml, 2-3 a day.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The North Face Bags Counterfeit

Salvia Holly

The Salvia or Salvia Real is the botanical species Salvia officinalis , belonging to the family of Labiatae. It lives in dry, arid, in Mediterranean Europe, from Spain to the Adriatic. Prefers calcareous soils and low fertility. The variety lavandulifolia predominates in the western Mediterranean, while in the eastern half of the predominant variety major (Dalmatian Sage). It was used from ancient Greece, to darken the hair.
is a perennial subshrub, very thick and branched. Reaches up to 50 cms in height. The stem is downy, gray-green leaves and large flowers blue and violet, appear in August. It has a strong aromatic smell.
In Pharmacy are used as medicinal leaves and flowering tops.

chemical composition. With essential oil, between 0.5 and 2.5%. The essential oil content is highest just before flowering, and at times of increased insolation (there are up to 45% more). It's in the leaves. The plant also contains flavonoids, bitter principles, organic acids, resin and tannins.

pharmacological properties.
  • digestive system, stimulates bile secretion (an choleretic) and decreases digestive flatulence.
  • skin and mucous : promotes healing of wounds, and astringent. It also has a good antiseptic effect.
  • antiperspirant : essential oil paralyzes peripheral nerve endings of sweat glands and acts on the thermoregulatory center in the brain.
  • antispasmodic : used water saturated with essential oil. This effect, direct action on the nervous system has been experimentally verified.
  • emenagoga : by estrogenic properties, helps restore menstruation.
  • Hypoglycemic .
Therapeutic. is used in mouthwashes in case of inflammation of the gums and sore throat. Sage compresses on wounds and ulcers aid to rapid healing, for its astringent power.
In digestions can be used for its choleretic and prevent flatulence.
also is used in febrile episodes (prevents sweat) and spasms. Can be combined with
rosemary, eucalyptus and echinacea to boost its antiseptic and healing effect.

Unwanted effects and contraindications. not use in renal failure and autonomic instability. The essential oil, because it contains thuyona, is toxic and can cause seizures at high doses. Do not use in pregnancy for its estrogenic action and abortion.

administration and dosage forms.
-Infusion: 5-10 grams per liter of water. Taken after meals. As antiperspirant, using a double concentration.
-Decoction: 20 g per liter. For outdoor applications.
-Tincture: 50 drops, 2 hours before sweating.
-fluid extract, a teaspoon at bedtime.
-Nebulizer: 150-300 mg daily.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Mucus Relief Dm Overdose


The root and rhizome of Polígala , botanical species Polygala senega (Poligaláceas) is used in herbal medicine for their expectorant and mucolytic properties. This plant grows spontaneously in the Mediterranean bio-climate mountainous areas. It is a small shrub that can reach 50 cm high, stems with leaves and flowers only at the top. It is an evergreen plant to grow requires major exhibition solar.

chemical composition. The root and rhizome contain mainly triterpene saponosides bidesmoside (6-10%). The mixture is called senegina and consists of a complex mixture derived from different genin. They also contain lipids, phenolic acids, essential oil (0.2%) and methyl salicylate.

pharmacological properties.
  • Respiratory system: pharmacological interest of this kind lies in its properties mucolytic expectorants and therefore cause the expulsion of mucous and secretions in the bronchial tree, larynx, pharynx ... Exert their effect by a reflex mechanism, so it should be administered preferably in the form of oral infusion.
  • Other , have been described and immuno-inflammatory properties. You are exploring the possible hypoglycemic effects.
Therapeutic. Polígala root is indicated for the treatment of colds of the airways in chronic bronchitis and asthma.

undesirable effects and contraindications. Contraindications None reported. May cause gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea during prolonged or overdosage.

administration and dosage forms. is administered 1.5 to 3.0 g of drug or fluid extract per day. In the case of dye is administered 2.5 to 7.5 g of dye per day or the equivalent amount of their preparations.